Is email marketing still working?

July 6, 2021

There are 4 billion email users globally.

Emails have replaced conventional mails, telegrams, fax in a substantial manner. 

Today Email is the Mail

The only thing that poses a challenge to emails is messaging services such as what’s app, telegram, FB messenger. The argument being that messaging services are much quicker in response and cheaper in a business use case scenario. Messaging also has better chances with automation.  

However, email is still relevant for a number of reasons.  

With WhatsApp, you have to share your mobile number. Information retrieval and archival is easier with Emails. Documentation is convenient with an email. When it comes to business communication the email ecosystem is better developed for organisations to manage users.  Notwithstanding the above arguments, the current state of things makes it quite clear that email is important.  

In terms of reach emails tower at 4 billion against

Facebook 2.7 billion  

Linkedin 738 million  

Twitter 187 million  

Is email still relevant?


Yes, pretty much for starters, everyone is checking their emails almost every day. However, mailboxes are getting smarter and learning how to keep pesky unwanted emails outside of the inbox. How to get there is a whole other conversation.

Here are just a few tips to make it work  


1. Hire an excellent copywriter. No amount of automation and technology will replace at least in the current scenario a copywriter who can create copy that makes people read emails.  


2. Try to personalise as much as possible. Nobody wants to read bulk emails that seem imprersonal. Using personalization will help you build great realtionship with your customers and significantly reduce churn.

72% of customers claim that they engage only with emails that are adressed to them personally.


3. Build quality information. Led content, people like to receive value, they are not interested in what will deliver your objectives, people are in it for them. Besides the spam button is not that far to reach.


4. Better targeting is important. What is the point of trying to sell snow jackets in Dubai? Ascertain if the list that you are sending to consists of a relevant audience.  


5. Branding is, was and will be the key - invest in your brand perception, it works everywhere, even emails.  


6. Do not spam - try to build a genuine opt-in list.  


7. Make it mobile friendly. Is it easily readable on a mobile screen? All the fancy graphics and all the flowery poetry will go for a toss if it is not visible and readable.  


8. Do not try to get your audience to do everything at once, limit your CTAs the best number is one. 


9. Check the spellings and the grammar silly, such mistakes and you are a suspect.  


10. And at the end of it all, learn from experience. It is like cooking, takes a few attempts before you master the right amount of the right ingredients. Always conduct your post-mortem.  


While there is a huge undercurrent of new communication channels, emails remain an important one and shall be for some time. The one thing that we must realize is that the packaging of transactions needs to change. People are done to death with companies trying to sell stuff to them.  

Perhaps you should consider emails more as a marketing tool over sales. Use it to build an audience with value.  


Succesful newsletters are proof, that emails work and people look forward to them. Like all things at the cost of repeating - this is about the value you bring for your audience  

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