Let's talk about Mobile Optimized Videos

August 30, 2022

There should be no doubt about the importance of the mobile ecosystem. More and more audiences use their mobile devices to navigate the digital world.

Over 2/3 clicks are on a mobile device. 61% of clicks on organic results result from mobile.

The majority of social audiences are engaging with their platforms of choice using mobile. 

98.5% of users access Facebook through mobile devices (phones and tablets). While we have written about the growing importance of video as a marketing tool, in this blog, we want to emphasize video in the mobile context. 

Consumer behavior has been changed due to powerful mobile handsets with better computational and graphic capacity. The reach of wireless data is another factor augmenting this change. 

Be where your audience is 

The trend for mobile is evident in the choice of platforms for younger audiences. 

TikTok has over 1 billion active users. It is one of the most downloaded entertainment apps in the Apple Store. TikTok serves a younger audience which is mostly engaged with mobile devices. The popularity of the platform is not absent in older age groups. 

In 2021, 36% of TikTok users were between 35 and 54 years old, and the usage comes overwhelmingly from mobile devices. 
Instagram with reels and Youtube with Shorts are pushing the video agenda. The case for mobile-oriented video is a strong one. 

3 /4  of the world will use just their smartphones to access the internet by 2025.

Therefore it becomes essential for brands to produce video content optimized for mobile. 

Let us share some key tips to help you get ahead in the game. 

Best practices of how to mobile-optimize your videos

Video Formats 

Choose your video formats carefully. Select styles that perform better on mobile. Try to build a diverse inventory of live action, motion graphics, and animation. Support your storytelling with the best format.

Vertical or Horizontal

Choose carefully before deciding if you produce your content in the vertical or the horizontal format. If you are aiming at short content meant for TikTok or Shorts go for a vertical format. But if you want to disseminate more serious content that is perhaps B2B in nature, it is best to use a horizontal format. Don't forget people switch their phones to a horizontal format to enjoy such content. 

Adjust the length 

This is a critical one. There is a debate about the length, with proponents on both sides rooting for ultra-short videos and some calling for longer formats. All we have to say is to deliver a length that justifies your story and the platform. Suppose you are going for TikTok. Best to keep it brief and impactful. However, if you have a story to tell, we have also seen exciting brand stories being successfully delivered through more extended time frames. 

Closed captions

Select the font carefully and ensure that it is legible. No two fonts are the same; an Arial at 40 points would appear quite different from a Times New Roman at 40 pts. Apart from the font size, ensure that you use the right speed and placement for your subtitles. A lot of videos are consumed on mobiles while on mute. 

Thumbnail Videos

A good preview and thumbnail will increase your chances of success. This is the first point of interaction with your audiences. A boring thumbnail might turn potential audiences away. Invest effort in designing a powerful thumbnail. 

Use the first 3 seconds of your video to hook the audience using previews. Data says that visitors who watch a preview are 3X more likely to install an app. 

Mobile offers great potential for video marketers. If you are someone looking to make an impact with videos on mobile, talk to us at hello@allinmotion.com 

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