Organizing Events, Conferences, or Expos? Here is how Videos Can Help

November 2, 2021


Before the pandemic conferences and trade shows around the globe generated over 1 trillion dollars in direct spending with 1.5 billion attendees annually around the world, according to the Events Industry Council, a trade group


While far from touching these numbers, currently there is a steady revival in the sector. The Dubai Expo being one remarkable achievement of recent.  

Factors including vaccination and development of spaces that accommodate safety requirements have been instrumental. We believe videos shall contribute and aid to the proliferation of live events.

Let us look at how videos will add value and augment in-person events.  






Videos are a great way of creating a promotional impact for your event. A strong video inventory empowers your marketing campaign.  

An important point that video should deliver is clarity of information. There are concerns and confusions around physical meetings. A video can be used to build trust, credibility and allay any concerns your audiences might have.  

Landing Pages  


Videos have multi-platform possibilities; you can embed them on your landing pages. Your audiences are ten times more likely to engage with your material with the presence of a video.  

Videos are also a great way to boost your conversion rates, they can increase your conversions rates by an astounding 80%.  




Reaching out to visitors and stakeholders is important for a successful event. Emails are a great way of managing a personal touch. Videos add a great deal of value to your emails.  


76% of marketers plan to increase their use of YouTube and video marketing, because video has an undeniable impact on email KPIs: 

  • Video boosts open rates by 19%

  • Video boosts click-through rates by 65%

  • Video reduces unsubscribes by 26%


Social Media  


You can use social media to generate a positive perception around your event. Social media is a great tool that will help you spread the word and get more traction. Videos are a great way of generating interest on social media. Posts tend to perform better with videos in them.  



During the event  


Once you have got your pre-event activities successfully covered, videos can add a lot of value during the event itself. Videos on the event will help you increase engagement with attendees.     


Venue Branding  


Videos work much better compared to static boards. LED screens with video content adds a zing to the physical environment. Not only could it be used as a great branding venue, but also you can use the space to convey information with videos.   


Live Streaming  


Live streaming is a great way to reach a broader audience. With a professional setup you can use graphics to provide additional information through the screen.  




A powerful animated video introduction sets the pace and the atmosphere for your speaker.  


Remote Speakers  


With the help of videos, you can bring remote speakers into your venue via screens. This gives you the option of bringing in a choice of speakers who could be streamed live into the venue or share a pre-recorded version.  


Post Event  


You have had a successful event, now you need to use the momentum to gain further exposure. A strong video content team will do the needful for you. Video will help you build brand recognition, drive action, and educate a broader audience. You will be able to influence a much larger audience compared to the actual physical presence.  

Some of the steps you can take to augment the success of your events are as follows 

  • Create videos of key moments of the conference 


  • Create material that will provide viewers with useful knowledge around the event  


  • Repurpose recorded testimonials  


  • Create thought leadership content with speakers 


  • Record behind the scenes – informal content for internal, corporate videos 



Get in touch with us at if you would like to know how we can enhance your live event.

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