Planning a Video Project - Ask Right Questions in the Pre-Production Stage

March 22, 2022

Recent stats prove that video content should be a crucial part of every successful marketing strategy:

Over 70% of consumers prefer video over other marketing content

However, like everything else, quality matters if you want a successful piece of video content. 

Planning is essential to create video content that will entertain, engage, and educate your audiences. Creative inputs determined in the light of strategic insights perform better. Defining a road map with key milestones will help you save time and cost.

Plan out the video project well to save yourself from missed deadlines and budget over shots. 

The first step of a good pre-production plan must start with the audience. 


1. Create the target persona


The buyer persona is a fictional construct based on sound research of your existing or desired audience. It is important to start with basic questions:


  • Who is the Audience?

  • What are their needs, motivations, expectations, demographics, and background?


Gathering this information will help you carve a storyline that resonates with your audiences and provide content they can relate to. 


The group of people you are targeting differs, and that means that you need to realize that there will be different touch points with your brand.


What works to your advantage is the fact that the target audience is likely to have overlapping interests, and this is something that you can exploit when planning your video content.

2. Define objectives

Craft the message that will help you achieve the objectives. Focusing on the outcome of the video by asking following questions:

  • How should the audience feel after watching the clip?

  • What kind of emotional state do you want to evoke in them?

  • What is it that they should do after watching it?

3. Establish your budget

Setting a realistic budget will help you manage your expectations. Make sure you never compromise on the quality.

Choose the agency wisely. Avoid vendors who are over-promising but under-delivering. 

4. Define the Unique Value Proposition 

 Highlight what makes your organization unique, and more importantly, outline how it helps the audience by answering questions:

  • How will this video make the company differentiate from the competitors?

  • What problem do you want to solve?

  • What pain point do you want to address?

5. Plan video distribution

Position the video in the marketing funnel according to the objectives you would like to achieve.

Have a clear idea of where the video will be broadcast and if those platforms are desirable. 

6. Think about the technicalities

Sometimes, minor elements can make a difference. Merely choosing the wrong format can lend the whole project undesirable. 

Choose a suitable video format that will work best with your objectives. Ensure you have the correct file formats determined and all technical parameters are satisfied, including resolution requirements. 

Making a good video is as much about artistic excellence as operational efficiencies. Having delivered projects across the globe and industries, we have the experience, skill and the will to provide successful video projects. 

If you are looking for a partner to make an impact with videos, write to us at 

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