Promoting Events with Videos

September 13, 2022

Events have a crucial significance for any B2B marketer. They allow you to showcase your product or service in person. 

The possibility of an in-person meeting opens whole new avenues for sales and demand gen. Therefore conducting successful events is aligned with the more significant revenue goals. 

Events are also a very competitive space. In a small radius, within a limited time, you are placed along with your competition, trying to gain visitors' attention. 

Deploying strong marketing tactics is essential, as is having unique content. 

Videos have emerged as a central part of the marketing effort to make events successful. 

Why videos for live events?

Apart from delivering an opportunity for solid networking, events help you create a unique experience for prospects regarding your products or services.

Using videos as a medium, you can harness the power of storytelling to create impact.  

  • Videos help us make those moments unique and unforgettable.
  • Videos are appealing to our senses.
  • Videos grab the audience's attention.
  • Videos are easy to repurpose. 

Going global 

Events and conferences are costly initiatives, and not using all the potential is a waste. Although the number of in-person participants is limited, you can always use media to attract a bigger audience.  Therefore, spend your money wisely.

68% of marketers say content showcasing their products and services generates the most significant ROI

Mark your presence with videos 

Videos are very important for start-ups. No other marketing tool will get you as much traction as videos.

Companies that utilized video marketing grew 49% faster in revenue than those that didn't last year.

Pre-event videos:

Event Promo Video

Announcement Video

Invitation Video 

Highlights from the last conference

Email information campaign

Once the actual event is concluded, you will have a rich data set to act upon. We live in an attention economy, so you must ensure continued effort to benefit from the positive attention gathered at the event. 

We wrote some excellent points you could use to make your event successful. You can access it here - videos during the event, post-event.

We can help you drive a successful event with the power of videos. Write to us at to know more.

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