Using Videos on Twitter – How to Get it Right 

September 27, 2022

The world of Twitter has a powerful impact on opinion formation. In a B2B marketing sphere, Twitter may not appear as a prominent channel. However, if used correctly, the effect is significant. 

Source: Business Twitter

Videos are the most effective content bucket for gaining engagement on Twitter. A blog published on Twitter informs us that video content can garner ten times the attention compared to static media formats. 

A platform with 486 million active users requires a learned approach to convert and certainly cannot be ignored. 

So, continue reading to get actionable insights that will help you ace the marketing game on Twitter. 

While the total number of video ads are less, they tend to produce significant results. With 41% of audiences purchasing a product after exposure on Twitter, the conversion rates are substantial compared to other prominent social media platforms. 

This is primarily owing to the quality audience present on the platform. While the total population on Twitter is less, they continue to be effective. 

Twitter is a platform that most of the audience accesses through mobile. Therefore, videos need to be executed to suit the mobile format. It is a platform where the audiences are habituated to scrolling from one tweet to the other. It is essential that the opening of the video is impactful. 

Music plays a vital role in creating an impact. However, videos created for Twitter would do best with a visual bent. The default setting for a video on Twitter is mute. A powerful visual cue may warrant the audience to turn on the volume. 

Types of Twitter Ads

Twitter has primarily two possibilities promoting video content or video ads. 

Promoted video views 

Great for brand recall. If views are your primary requirement, this is the format to follow. This ad format will maximize your video views and show it to an audience more likely to watch it. 

In-stream video views 

Twitter has over 200 content partners that release videos on the platform. You can place your video ad before the actual video content plays from the partner. Twitter aligns your content with selected categories that you can choose from. 

There is also a possibility of instream sponsorships. Brands can sponsor content created by others. Careful planning will allow you to strategically align with content creators and augment your brand message based on the creator's public perception.Best practices 

Best Practices

Here are some best practices you can follow to get optimal results with video on Twitter.  

  • Include people and products in your video.
  • Position your logo clearly.
  • Keep it short and straightforward - under 15 seconds for maximum impact. 

If you are already on Twitter or are considering starting your journey, videos are a great way of getting traction, conversion and impact. 

Please write to us at to know more. 

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