Why CTA Works Best with Video

October 19, 2021


Video has the capacity to engage auditory and visual senses at the same time. This makes it very interesting for the human brain as it imitates the real world. 

Several studies have shown that we tend to remember the message better when consumed through a video over read text.


It seems our brain is in love with videos


We have come to live in an attention economy era, with access to an overwhelming load of information. Constant inputs force our brains to process most messages subconsciously.

For marketers, this means they have fractions to deliver the right content before the audiences shift their attention to the next thing. Again, video with its dual sensory engagement, wide auditory and visual had the stronger chance. For that reason video marketing has been a powerful tool used by the most recognised brands.


There is another question to be asked:

Once you can get the attention of your audiences, are you using it effectively?


Here, the Call to Action or CTA emerges as the hero.


We engage in a marketing communication to modify the client behaviour to suit our objective. The CTA is the conclusive step to achieve this goal. With a CTA you urge your audiences to do what it is that you want. It could be to get an email address or set up a meeting.


However, the most important aspect of the CTA is that it reduces ambiguity. With a CTA you can clearly let the viewer know what your expectations are. A CTA also makes it easier for your audiences to decide what they should do with the information you just shared. Whenever you take away the burden of decision-making from the audience and provide clear guidance, you are doing a great service in the interest of your marketing goals.


Keep things simple and keep things easy seem to be the mantra here.

Why CTA works the best with videos


To gain a better understanding of the power of CTA we need to look a bit into the science of decision-making. According to Gerald Zaltman, a Harvard Business School Professor

Close to 95% of all cognition, all the thinking that drives our decisions and behaviours, occurs unconsciously - and that includes consumer decisions


Thus, decision-making is not purely a rational process. Our emotions have agency over our decision-making process. It is easy to tap into the emotional part of the brain and silence the rational part when you use a video. Your CTAs are empowered once coupled with videos because you have primed your audience’s emotions.


 How to create a video that serves your CTA best?


Fulfil the emotional needs

Identify the right set of emotions that will work with your product. With sports, it is about achievement, with a sports car you want to talk power. Nike as a brand is a great example of driving audiences emotionally. Do not focus too much on the nuts and bolts but on the larger whole. Nike does not talk too much about technology in their shoes but if focuses primarily on what is the outcome of that technology – greatness, the spirit of achievement – Just Do IT

Use storytelling

Since over millennia we are hooked to stories. We need villains and heroes, and we need victories. Build your stories carefully, align them with the language of the audience and miracles will happen. 


The most powerful person in the world is the storyteller. The storyteller sets the vision, values, and agenda of an entire generation that is to come -Steve Jobs, Co-Founder, Apple



Align video goal with the CTA

Make sure the video goal is aligned with the CTA – You cannot force-feed a CTA with any video. A video must be crafted keeping in mind the CTA it is intended to serve. Your video story must connect with the CTA in a seamless manner.


Adjust video length  


The one thing that we have learnt is that the attention process has been inversed. In the past, people’s interest would gradually build up and peak towards the end. This is no longer valid; you need to get them from the beginning. Do not increase the length of the video when not required.

CTA placement

CTA should be clearly placed and visibly so. It should be defined and well pronounced. Do not expect the audience to make an effort. Provide easy links to follow at a single click. Keep unwarranted distractions away. Do not try to sell right away, the CTA is an invitation towards something more meaningful.


If you are looking to get your CTAs right or create impactful videos that serve your CTAs, write to us at hello@allinmotion.com


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